Neil's Intro to DMA Thoughts

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I thought I would write a bit about the whole idea of music videos, since that was what the last discussion/class was about. In all honesty, I guess I just had not given much thought to music videos. I knew that there have been some music videos where I like the song and the video and together they had been quite powerful to me. Those were an especially good way to quickly alter my mood in a positive way when I needed it.

However, the idea of thinking of them as a creative work or as something I might one day be involved in working on never crossed my mind. Perhaps it is because most of them I've seen have not had any effect on me or perhaps because most of the time I feel like their purpose is solely commercial and not at all for pure artistic value. Perhaps it is also because I feel like music is around in visual storytelling to serve the story and not the main focus with the visuals serving the music.

The X-ray Vision music video was quite intriguing to me. For a flash animation that was relatively simple, it had a very nice effect. The isolation of the character was very well portrayed. And the expression on the character's face and the look of the room while the tv was playing was quite powerful.

The music video with the Down Syndrome angels was very intriguing as well. I could not help but think that there was something very wise about it. For me, it helped me to look at them and just see people, human beings, and not see a disease. Sometimes that doesn't always happen through normal interactions. There is just something about lifting up those whom our world and society puts on the lowest level that makes a lot of sense.


  • I recently noticed how powerful music videos can be. Think about it- the music industry is huge. The movie industry is huge also. Combined, they should be able to have a tremendous impact on our culture. but they don't seem to be doing that at the moment.

    By Blogger Aaron Deal, at 11:02 PM  

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