Neil's Intro to DMA Thoughts

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The visual components: space, line, shape, tone, color, movement, and rhythm. As I read this chapter and as we discussed it in class, it began to bring up an issue that has been growing more and more in my mind this semester. This is the fact that the visual aspect of making films does not just naturally flow from the story. Developing and creating the story is only part of the picture. Creating pleasing and effective visuals is a whole other skill that needs to be worked on on top of being a good storyteller.

When I write a story, I suppose that there is the story itself as an abstract entity as well as the artistic crafting of words in an effective way. However, I have been writing so long that the crafting of words to fit the story in my mind just seems natural. It is a medium too I suppose, one that I am quite used to.

While I still start out with that abstract story idea in my mind, translating that from idea to image is quite different from the translation of idea to word. I am beginning to learn what my strengths and weaknesses are in this new method of storytellings, as well as what storytelling elements transfer from writing to animation and which do not.

The realization that there is so much that you do not know and so much that you need to learn can be a little intimidating at times. In the end though, it is exciting and motivating to strive for the level that you have not yet attained. You can see where you are, imagine where you will be, and step by step, watch yourself progressing towards an amazing future. It is funny how a concept as basic as the visual elements could remind me of such a thing.


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